Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Jealously Guarded Rose Growing Secrets REVEALED For The First Time

Discover the "three D's" to Rose Pruning like a professional, including when to prune and how to prune step-by-step -- this is VITAL to making sure your roses grow right! (page 72)
Discover the different major classes of Roses and their characteristics to help you choose the correct Rose -- choose wrong, and your Rose garden will be the laughing stock instead of the blue ribbon winner! (page 20)
Learn how a Rose is named and why. This is a special spiritual practice that should NOT be taken for granted. (page 21)
Discover which Rose to buy to suit your landscaping needs -- this secret alone will turn your house into the envy of all your neighbors (and even increase it's value!). (page 22)
Understand the complete Anatomy of a Rose -- this is what separates the professionals who get great roses 10 times out of 10 from the rank amateurs! (page 22)
The keys to ensuring the Rose you buy is suitable for the use you have in mind (page 27)
Learn how the color of your Roses projects your personality and that of your home and can create harmony (and the exact opposite!) (page 29)
Know how your local climate can affect your choice of color and even the colors themselves -- remember, everything counts! (page 31)
If a fragrant garden is your goal, you need to know the most fragrant varieties of roses and I'll reveal every single last one to you (page 32)
Discover the best varieties of Roses to suit your exact climate conditions. If you don't know this, growing roses will be more torture than an enjoyable hobby! (page 34)
Learn the exact varieties to suit hot conditions or shade conditions (page 37)
Discover the key list of Roses most tolerant against Rose disease -- vital for protecting your hard work from the evils of nature! (page 38)
Why buying a bare-root Rose is vital to your success as a champion rose grower. (page 39)
Discover a step-by-step method in knowing what to look for so you'll always buy healthy Roses instead of weak ones that will never grow right (page 40)
Discover the best time to plant your Roses and my special techniques to cultivating them to perfection. (page 42)
Learn the best growing conditions for Roses and how to achieve this (page 43)
Discover how to test your soil conditions and their suitability for Roses -- if you don't do this right, you're shooting yourself in the foot before you begin! (page 44)
Learn the secrets to amending your soil for maximum growing power (page 45)
Secrets to preparing your bare-root Roses for planting (page 48)
Learn the correct depth and soil preparation before planting so you can maximize your soils potential for feeding your rose from birth to maturity. (page 49)
Learn the correct time of day to plant your Roses (neglect the time of day, and you run the risk of seeing your roses wilt before they grow big and strong) (page 50)
Discover how to relocate your existing Roses without damage (page 52)
Daily maintenance secrets that will keep your Roses strong and healthy for months (page 54)
Learn the correct way to water your Rose Garden and a simple test to confirm you've got it right (page 55)
Learn the method of mulching that will put your Roses on steroids! (page 59)
Discover why you have weeds in your Rose garden and how you can get rid of them! (page 62)
Discover the right fertilizer formulation and in the right amounts and when to apply to maximize the growth potential of your garden. (page 63)
Discover all the nutrient deficiencies for Roses, their symptoms, and simple treatments that can save your precious roses. (page 70)
How to save money on expensive Rose tools (page 76)
Learn the step-by-step guide to pruning without fear but with amazing results (page 76)
Discover how to disbud to achieve the largest flowers possible (page 80)
Discover how to avoid sending your Rose into shock when deadheading your Roses (page 82)
Learn a secret technique for hybridizing Roses and creating flowers that will put your friends in SHOCk when they see them! (page 95)
Learn how to harvest Rose seeds and sow them successfully -- it's like creating your own army of super-roses! (page 99)
Discover simple secrets to propagating Roses by budding, by stem cuttings, layering and division (page 101)